
The products appearing in the list below may be covered by one or more of the following United States patents; other U.S. patents and/or their international equivalents may also apply or be pending. To the extent a name, product, feature, design or logo does not appear on the following list, such omission does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that ARM Enterprises, Inc. has established in any of its products, features, service names, product names or logos.



 Vinci Hands Free Juicer 8,511,225, 8,205,544, 8,166,873, 8,161,872
Vinci Express Cold Brew 11,399,653, 11,849,877, 11,998,136
Vinci RDT Spinning Sprayhead Coffee Maker

10,123,651, 12,004,679

Vinci Micro Café Brewer

11,399,653, 11,849,877, 11,998,136, 11,627,832, 12,193,595, 9,743,796, 10,231,568, 11,246,445