The products appearing in the list below may be covered by one or more of the following United States patents; other U.S. patents and/or their international equivalents may also apply or be pending. To the extent a name, product, feature, design or logo does not appear on the following list, such omission does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that ARM Enterprises, Inc. has established in any of its products, features, service names, product names or logos.
Vinci Hands Free Juicer | 8,511,225, 8,205,544, 8,166,873, 8,161,872 |
Vinci Express Cold Brew | 11,399,653, 11,849,877, 11,998,136 |
Vinci RDT Spinning Sprayhead Coffee Maker |
10,123,651, 12,004,679 |
Vinci Micro Café Brewer |